Wall ladders
Wall ladder
A wall or house ladder enables safe access to the roof. They are required by law in all properties where soot cleaning and other maintenance work is carried out on the roof. We recommend installing wall ladders at either end of the house so that snow loads do not burden the ladder fastenings. If the ladder is installed on the side eaves, it should be protected with snow guards on both sides. A vertical safety rail can be attached to the wall ladder.
Technical information
- Strength according to standards.
- Side rails OVA 45 x 25 x 1.25 mm.
- Step tubes 25 x 1.25 mm.
- Frame dimensions 1.8 m, 2.4 m, 3.0 m, 4.2 m.
- Standard colours RR20, RR21, RR23, RR29, RR32, RR33, RR750 (other colours made to order).
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