Industrial pipe lead-throughs
In industrial pipe lead-throughs, we utilise our proprietary fixing technology that fixes and seals pipes in concrete and stone structures without any formwork or grouting.
Lead-through sleeves
The industry uses lead-through sleeves to protect different kinds of process pipes and cabling on concrete levels.
Read moreIndustrial pipe lead-throughs
The pipe lead-throughs are used to lead different kinds of pipes through existing concrete structures when a durable and tight connection is needed. Our manufacturing technology also allows...
Read moreFloor drains
Floor drains are designed for installation afterwards into diamond drilled holes. They also utilise our lead-through fixture technology.
Read moreSplash water sleeves
The splash water sleeves are used to prevent liquids running down the pipe surface as well as splash water from entering the floors below through the lead-through sleeve and the process piping.
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